Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery unfortunately is prevalent within the construction industry, due to this we have a responsibility to look out for signs that could suggest someone is being exposed to any form of:

  • Domestic servitude
  • Criminal exploitation
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Organ harvesting
  • Labour exploitation

Flawless Plant Hire has a zero tolerance to any form of exploitation, we have ensured that our staff are made aware of the signs that could suggest someone has fallen victim to this and what they need to know in order to raise this concern.

We make sure that we undertake identity checks on all our staff, provide training for our staff to make them aware of the risk of exploration within the industry and communicate our modern slavery policy to our staff, clients and suppliers where necessary to try to limit the chances of becoming subject to this.

Most people who have fallen victim to any form of exploitation will be being controlled by either coercion, threat, fraud, deceit or abduction. There are signs to look out for that could suggest this is happening to someone who could be working within your company.

  • Work has been arranged on their behalf, especially if they have come from overseas.
  • No accommodation, they may appear to try and stay on site.
  • They are not in possession of their own personal documents; they may be hesitant to provide these or delay the process.
  • They may have limited clothing, unwilling to provide details of where they are living etc.
  • Money may be limited even when receiving payment through work.
  • They are transported to and from work.
  • They may be distant or reluctant to form relationships or interact with others when at work and distance themselves.

If you are to spot any of these signs and these raise concern it is paramount that this is reported to someone senior as soon as possible. We will support anyone who raises a concern even if they may turn out to be mistaken as the urgency surrounding this is too high to not investigate and try to intervein at the earliest possible stage. No one will be subject to suffering any form of detrimental treatment from reporting under this policy.

If you suspect any form of exploitation of modern slavery exists within the company, or within any of our supply chains, you need to bring this to the attention of the Director. You must never directly question the potential victim as this could result in a negative outcome or potentially cause more harm to the victim. Any report produced will be treated in strict confidence so as much information as possible would need to be provided. Once passed onto the Director this is then their responsibility to report to the right authorities, you may be contacted after this if the officials who this is dealt by wish to speak with you in more detail, but you will always receive the upmost support from the Company during this process to help wherever possible.